Historic Rugby League Tour: South African Rhinos vs. United States Hawks

In a groundbreaking development for international rugby league, South African Rugby League has extended an invitation to the United States Rugby League to participate in two test matches in South Africa. This historic tour, scheduled from December 4th to December 7th, 2024, marks the first time these two nations will face off in the sport.

The first test match is set to take place at the Harlequins Rugby Club in Pretoria on December 2nd at 18h00, followed by the second match at Grizzlies Rugby Club, also in Pretoria, on December 7th. Both teams have committed to fielding squads comprised solely of local players, excluding heritage players, to foster the growth and development of the sport within their respective countries.

Rugby league is a relatively young sport in the United States, and this international exposure is expected to be immensely beneficial for its growth and development. South Africa, on the other hand, has a longer history with rugby league dating back to the 1950s. Despite this, the sport has not yet reached its full potential in the country. However, recent renewed interest and these upcoming test matches are anticipated to significantly boost the sport’s profile and popularity in South Africa.

The tour has been planned with great enthusiasm and cooperation between the management teams of both nations. There is a shared excitement about this venture, which promises to be both competitive and entertaining.

“We are looking forward to an interesting and exciting competition,” commented Dr Frans Erasmus  . “This tour is not only a historic milestone but also a crucial step in increasing awareness and development of rugby league in both South Africa and the United States.”

Support from rugby league fans worldwide will be greatly appreciated as these two nations embark on this exciting journey, furthering the sport’s international reach and appeal.

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